Mamma Kitty, 9 years old, presented with an intestinal obstruction. A sharp and compassionate veterinarian and owner, worked together and decided surgery was needed to remove a foreign body from her intestines. This was the second time Mamma Kitty has under gone this surgery. In Eastern Medicine, the underlying root pathogen is “STOMACH HEAT.” Mamma kitty recovered well from the abdominal surgery, but would not eat. I placed her on a different food and did acupuncture two times. I stimulated her appetite so feces could be palpated in her abdomen. Mamma Kitty would not pass the feces. I was able to place two needles to empty her colon. Her owner was elated when she passed the feces in 12 hours!!! Now, we will treat the Stomach Heat with herbals…Happy Cat, Happy Owner, and Happy Veterinarian Team! This is one of many examples of how I integrate Western Medicine (surgery) and Eastern Medicine (acupuncture and herbals).

From her owner: Dr. Joan Winter was a huge factor in Mamma Kitty’s recovery. Once home, it was hard to get her eating and bathroom habits on track again. She wan’t herself and I was worried she wasn’t recovering as she should. Dr. Winter came to my home and did acupuncture. After just the first treatment I saw a marked improvement. She started eating small amounts and finally used the litter box. After two treatments, she began to act like herself again which was a huge relief. I was amazed how fast the eastern medicine worked to speed Mamma’s recovery. Thank you so much Dr. Winter. Having both you and Mamma’s surgical vet work together undoubtedly saved our beloved family pet!

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